Manifest on Equality and Fredom of Speech

Every peaceful and sustainable community is based on the principle
that participants accept each other's right to disagree.
We give our opponents right and opportunity to criticize us freely
and denies that either of us or outside of our community can decide
who and what to criticize, knowing that the transfer of such power,
will always mean that those who have power get more power.

We distinguish between tolerance and respect and define tolerance
as acceptance of dissent and respect as obedience and reverence.
We tolerate all opinions, including intolerant, but will always answer
on all forms of intolerance with criticism and disrespect.
We do not accept a wish for respect for being an argument in itself.
In our view, intolerance is a threat to open society,
while inadequate respect is the most important defense of democracy.

Criticism can be uncomfortable, and we are prepared to if we pronounce ourselves
uncomfortable about others, we can expect uncomfortable response.
But we will never accept that criticism is answered with
damage, violence, maltreatment, murder or threat thereof
and will always fight for freedom to think and speak freely.
The idea is refined by resistance and criticism and it is in this process
we develop ourselves as people and citizens.
Therefore, we insist on the necessity that all views be heard
and regards the unpleasant conversation as proof that democracy works.

We regard it as an individual responsibility to intervene in the debate
if something is not said that you do not agree with.
The opinion that criticism should not or should be expressed if it can
be offensive or offensive we consider a sign
that you are not willing to take responsibility and defend their positions.
We do not therefore distinguish between qualified and unqualified criticisms
and will defend anyone who uses his freedom of speech.

We define the cultural person as the individual
who is open for dialogue, which constantly reflects and as a result
of new insights can change opinions.
We are opponents of a human perception that values ​​man
based on their ethnicity, religion, language, sexuality, gender,
political conviction etc. but do not approve of this
as an argument that we can not or should not criticize cultures,
ideologies, religions, etc. or their followers,
if we do not belong to them or support them.
We will constantly express our lack of respect for such argumentation,
because it blocks the free dialogue, deepen the differences between us
and legitimizes inequality.

We believe in universal human rights and consider only the state as legitimate,
where everyone is equal to the law.
We condemn privileges and all individuals, groups and states
which by violence or threat of violence legitimize abuse
and limited rights for those who do not belong to the same culture, religion, etc.
We want to fight for the weak's right to equal opportunities.
However, claiming the right to criticism of intolerance, although the intolerant is weak.
We will never compromise on the perception that every peaceful and sustainable
Communion begins by recognizing each other's right to disagree - and this community
survive by the courage to defend this right, even on our own behalf